Diabetes is another dangerous ailment that is posing a great challenges to medical personnel globally. The scourge of diabetes is on the increase and every countries is now placing a concerted effort to combat this monster called diabetes.With over 346 million people worldwide suffering from diabetes,thinking about how they will treat diabetes naturally is now becoming a commonly searched term on the internet,and pharmaceutical shops. The growth of the natural remedies for many diseases has pushed the quest for finding similar cures in diabetes.
With regards to natural remedies for diabetes,at our healing centre called Whomp Int`l center for alternative therapy,certain natural herbs that you can find in specific regions, together with certain vitamins and minerals can be very useful for the treatment of Diabetes.The Chief Consultant of Whomp Int`l Centre fo Alternative Herbs therapy Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M)suggested the use of a “magic plant” called Mistletoe for the prevention of such deadly diseases such as Diabetes and women menstrual dysfunction is an old age herbs and spices that many researcher has recommeded for the treatment of Diabetes as many people all over the world continuously experience a number of illnesses through the intake of harmful substances and style of living.
The Chair,Whomp Int`l Centre for Altenative Therapy said the most important secret of Mistletoe lies in its ability to cleanse or purify the blood and the entire body tissues of all manner of accumulated harmful (toxic) substances.According to the experts, the guru of Herbal medicine,Mistletoe is one of the most effective herbs that strengthens, tones, and normalizes the activities of the female reproductive system. He recommends: “Women should take Mistletoe tea, it normalizes circulation, brings uterine and menstrual disorders into equilibrium, especially heavy menstruation as well as bleeding after confinement. If taken in water in an empty stomach and in the evening before retiring to bed for few months will assist barrenness in a woman.”
It is true that there exist certain hypoglycemiant drugs that successfully lower blood sugar level; however, their side effects would make them undesirable for your body. In an effectiveness treatment to beat diabetes naturally, its important to know a little more about the types of diabetes around. The two most common types are type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Both types affect people of all ages. About 33% of type 1 diabetes suffers develop the disease after the age of 20. This form of diabetes is basically a result of destruction of insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. On the other hand type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder normally characterised by high blood glucose either due to insulin resistance or its deficiency in the blood.
Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M) emphasis on healing power of the Mistletoe“The Mistletoe good as blood cleanser that makes it the cure-all plant. “Mistletoe strengthens and detoxifies the liver that plays a pivotal role in the prevention and elimination of any cancerous growths anywhere in the human body once it is working at full and optimum capacity.”Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M) said hypertensive patients who take Mistletoe regularly are protected from stroke, but where it occurs, “it is usually very mild and can be reversed very easily.
You should be proactive to find the lasting solution to that your diabetes and the approach to put an end to that ailments must be taken to beat diabetes naturally with Whomp Herbs.At Our Centre Whomp Int`l Centr or Alternative therapy,we keep abreast with diabetes research as more and more work is being done and new natural remedies are being found to help you with diabetes treatment for the various types of diabetes out there.
Natural remedies are becoming more and more preferred as they lead to less and less diabetes complications unlike chemical diabetes medications. At the end of the day, your success to beat diabetes natuarally all depends on how consistent you are with the remedies and lifestyle you’ll be living.
Mistletoe an ever green parasitic plant is an excellent medicinal herb one should not do without. People in our fast moving times with the tensions of modern living and working under stress surely need an aid like Mistletoe.”
At Whomp Int`l research and herbal centre,we have packaged the herb in tea bags for those who will find it difficult to identify the healing plant in the bush. As tea, Mistletoe is used as a blood-staunching remedy. “It stops nose bleeding when used cold.
As a tea, it arrests lungs and intestines-bleeding caused by typhoid or dysentery.” For people with heart related problems,
Mistletoe tea is used for heart and circulatory problems. “It has active substances which normalize the whole system; it lowers high and raises low blood pressure.It soothes the restless heart and strengthens it and all abnormal blood pressure such as blood rushing to the head. It is also recommended for dizziness, buzzing in the ears and visual defects.” But on the controversy concerning the plant’s medical value,
Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M) explained that Herbal Medicine has been practice since beginning of nature and the most important thing is that the herb has been recognized world wide as a healing plant.
Did you know?
The ancient Druids considered the mistletoe to be a sacred plant and believed it had miraculous powers which could cure illnesses, serve as an antidote against poisons, ensure fertility and protect against the ill effects of witchcraft. It was also believed that the mistletoe was an aphrodisiac or a sexual symbol.
Note..Diabetes treatment appointment,you have to see Dr.Olawale Aminu Kazeem (O.I.M) for advice and the treatment.Call him now hotline..+2348034152029, 081-29047516 or 080-58563316
If you have any health challenges or you need Mistletoe Herbal tea either for Diabetes,high blood pressure or menstrual dysfunction call hotline..+2348034152029, 081-29047516 or 080-58563316
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We all came from nature. We live with nature. Nobody can survive without nature.When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is wealth.
Whomp Int`L Centre Alternative Therapy
Head Office
28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.
Hot lines:+2348034152029, 081-29047516 or 080-58563316
E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. com
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